Sunday, May 14, 2006


Senior Prom has come and gone.
A big "Thank You" to Mike for standing in as the substitute boyfriend.
Since the boyfriend is obviously not here.
And obviously in Iraq.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Poem I Wrote All By Myself- I'm Special.

"A Gymming Experience" -Based on a true experience
By: Hannah Shin
So today was a day like any other day.
I woke up,
Sat on my ass all day,
Ate a bowl of cereal,
Some Goldfish,
And a banana.
I Sang,
Watched a movie on my ipod,
When I decided,
"Hey, I should go to the gym...
I havent gone in 3 or 4 days."
So off I go to the gym.
So there I am... at the gym,
Working my gluteus maximus on the elliptical,
When I feel a tap...
On my bum.
Oh however-so-light that tap was,
But just a tap.
So I turn around.
And Gramps-O-Wrinkles is staring me down.
So I ran.
The end.