Sunday, April 30, 2006

Beach Pictures and House Party

Took this picture at the beach a while ago over at Divers Cove in Laguna. Pretty sweet.

And now for my story:
Last night, actually... let me start over.
In the wee hours of the morning (yes, this morning) I seem to still be at a house party.
At said house party exists a pool table.
A nice one.
And on said pool table there seem to be three girls dancing.
One of whom is me.
Now, this girl whom we have established to be me is dancing with Whore 1 and Friend 1, who will now be known as Princess Diana-Sugar Muffin.
Princess Diana-Sugar Muffin and Hannah are having a good time when Whore 2 (aka, Whore 1's shadow) attempts to claw us down from the pool table, hoping to have all attention put on her mistress, Whore 1.
Princess Diana-Sugar Muffin and Hannah dodge, duck, dive, dip, and dodge (The 5 D's of Dodgeball) while booty is still rockin' everywhere.
Hence, Whore 1 falls head-first off the table.
Princess Diana-Sugar Muffin and Hannah continue dancing.
The end.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

The New Blogger Account Adventures

This is Hannah.
Hannah is a dumbass.
Hannah logs on to Blogger.
Hannah is rejected, for her password is incorrect.
Hannah is too lazy to enter information so her password may be
sent to the email address in which she also forgot her password for.
Hannah creates a new account.
Hannah is a dumbass.
Hi, I'm Hannah.
Nice to meet you.